Motorcycle Hire
in Cambodia
from Phnom
Penh or Siem Reap |
Small enduro bikes, light and powerful
enough for the varied and often difficult terrain,
perfect for the Asian adventure |
All prices are in US Dollars $ and for guidance only,
bikes are subject to availability |
Motorcycle |
Day |
Terms |
Honda XR 250 |
25 |
- Price includes taxes, unlimited miles,
helmet and lock
- No insurance in Cambodia, so you leave
your passport as deposit and all damages are assessed and charged at end of
- From Siem Reap, minimum 3 days hire and
+$2 per day
- No licence required but an assessment of
ability to ride the bike may be requested.
Honda XR 250 Baja |
25 |
Accessories |
Per Day |
Goggles |
2 |
Gloves |
2 |
Elbow protectors |
2 |
Knee Protectors |
2 |